Sure it's easy to joke that it is "dead man walking", or in this case, dead operating system walking but the simple fact is that in 111 days not only will Windows 7 be as popular as the flu but it will be as useful as diet water.
The end of the Windows 7 lifecycle is set for January 2020. "End of life" means Microsoft will discontinue all support, including paid support; and all updates, including security updates. Between now and then, the operating system (OS) is in an in-between phase known as “extended support.”
Could the news be worse? You betcha! Whenever an operating system reaches the end of life there is always a rush of last-minute orders but this time we are seeing a new challenge. All of the major manufacturers are reporting a significant supply chain issue with obtaining new Windows 10 machines thanks to supply-demand challenges out of Asia.
Suffice to say if you have been delaying replacing the Windows 7 computers in your business, non-profit organization or government agency, please take your foot off the brakes and put it on the accelerator and allow us to help you with your tech refresh.
An important side note. Unlike our competitors, we do not markup hardware. Wait, what does that mean?!?! When you need new #computers, #servers, network gear or any other tech hardware you pay whatever the manufacturer sells it for, NO MARKUP from us! We spec out what you need as well as locate the best source for you! Could we make this process easier or more transparent? We don't think so :-) So contact us today to talk about replacing your Windows 7 computers before they bring your business to a grinding halt.