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Are you cyber secure at home?

We all like to think of our home as a safe place and while it might be from physical threats but sadly cyber threats don't respect our residences nor care about pandemics.

We are seeing dramatic increases in credential (username, password, etc.) compromises and many include PII (Personal Identifiable Information) hits. Our customers who utilize our dark web monitoring services are reporting increased experience with attempted credentials theft.

Why is this happening? There are a number of factors but here is a partial list.

  1. Working from home most people are dependent on a consumer-grade router that is usually supplied by internet service providers (ISP) like cable companies. While many people have probably established their own WiFi password versus the system default they have not changed the default router password. This is a problem as many ISP's use well-known credentials that are easily discoverable and are widely publicly available.

  2. Even if you are using a VPN (virtual private network) good security still includes changing your home's #router password.

  3. We're distracted right now. Between a never-ending flow of #COVID-19 news and trying to adapt to working at home with numerous distractions, many people are not paying as much attention to #cybersecurity as they normally do.

  4. In a quest to find new and relevant information about the pandemic we may be going to websites that are not secure or not legitimate.

We offer Dark Web Monitoring. Cyber Awareness Training as well as a variety of defensive technologies to better protect your business.

You probably have physical security systems (alarm systems, security cameras, door locks, etc.) for your business but what about your cybersecurity? How are you protecting your employees, your business, and your public reputation?

For a limited time, we are offering a FREE 1-time, no-obligation Dark Web Scan for your #business. Contact us to redeem this offer. #lehighvalley #ransomware #darkweb #infosec #cybersecurity #phishing #mssp #msp #it #itservices


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