People all over the world are using modern technology to make purchases online, utilize social media platforms, and run businesses. With everyone online, cybercriminals are looking for vulnerabilities to attain private information. Whether you are a large business or an individual, it's essential to take preventative steps to protect your data.
There are steps you can take to lower your chances of being a victim of cybercriminal activity. Below are a few helpful tips to keep your private and financial information safe from harm.
Strong passwords are an essential component of online security. If you have a weak password, you are making it easier for hackers to get access to your information. Create a secure password that has unique characters, upper and lowercase letters, and one that you can not find on social media, such as a birthday or relative's name. It's also recommended to use different passwords for various accounts because if you use the same one, hackers get into multiple platforms if they figure it out. The goal is to make it as challenging as possible for someone to guess.
As mentioned above, people use social media daily and often post their location, relatives, birthday, etc. Social media is a public platform, and people can gather information about you and use it to gain access to your private data. For example, people can use the things you post on social media as answers to security questions on accounts. It's best to keep your information limited online.
Invest your money in security software to keep your information protected. Most importantly, once that is installed, update it regularly so it can work at its best. Using security software can protect your system from malicious malware designed to render your technology inoperable.
"Free WiFi" sounds appealing, but puts your information at risk. Before you send your information over in places like cafes, airports, restaurants, and other areas that offer free WiFi, make sure it is secure and safe to do so.
Often, people open malicious emails, which then leads to dangerous malware to infiltrate their system. Be very careful and don't take any risks when it comes to emails. If it looks suspicious, trust your instincts. Emails are one of the most common ways information can be stolen. The bottom line - be wise when opening emails because not are all authentic.
At the end of the day, these tips help but cannot prevent every single malicious attack. If you own a business, it's essential to have an experienced information technology company on your side to help when disaster strikes. With an IT company, they can help you with preventative maintenance, ongoing secure, and assistance with unexpected tragedies.
At Lehigh Valley Technology, we take continual measures to stay up to date with all of the latest criminal activity and find new solutions. We have extensive knowledge of cybersecurity, and we provide a wide range of services to keep your business operations functional, efficient, and safe. Our team builds a long-standing relationship with you to get a better understanding of your goals so that we can provide tailored services.
We offer the following services to help your business succeed: