There is a natural resistance from IT Departments when the #CFO, #CEO, #President or other company leaders want to bring in an #MSP/#MSSP/#IT company like us. We get it, they are concerned about their jobs and given articles like this as well as the trend of eliminating internal IT departments, we understand, but here is the other side of the story.
Many times we perform roles like staff augmentation, application or software development that internal IT departments need.
We have certain capabilities (Security Operations Center, Security Information and Event Management, etc.) that many in-house operations cannot afford or manage.
Our company often works with internal IT departments on things like penetration testing, #HIPAA compliance and training and disaster recovery and business continuity planning.
While it is true that we have also been asked to replace an internal IT department from time to time we have also many times offered positions to the outgoing staff and/or connected them to other opportunities.
Continuing to fight against the current is not a path to success. No one likes change but as John Maxwell says, "Change is inevitable. Growth is optional."