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Should we do business with a traveling salesman?

Writer: Scott GingoldScott Gingold

What is the difference between a Managed Services Provider (MSP) and an Information Technology (IT) Company? There are some very distinct technical and operational differences, but for the purposes of simplicity, we will keep this very straightforward.

A good way to think of an MSP is to liken them to traveling salesmen. If you want things like hosted email, cloud file storage, or data backup, they can secure these services for you. You pay them, they pay their vendor, and boom, you are all set! Well, maybe, but not so fast!

What happens when a network cable or switch goes bad in your office, or further diagnostics are needed? How about when you want to add a new workstation, or replace an aging server? How about if there is a printer issue that the MSP can not resolve remotely? In cases like this, the MSP will typically turn to websites like WorkMarket to find a freelancing technician to come to your office to perform the needed onsite services. Will these technicians be:

1. Uniformed and have an ID Badge? No!

2. Familiar with your specific technology environment? No!

3. Given ready access to all of your credentials (passwords and usernames) and configuration information by the MSP? No!

4. Someone you will ever interact with after this service call? Probably not!

5. Vetted (i.e. criminal background check) before doing work at your office? Probably not!

6. Able to answer questions or perform other services unrelated to what they were dispatched for? Probably not!

Lehigh Valley Technology Company offers the best of both worlds. We are both a world class IT company with our own company employed, full-time, highly trained technicians, as well as an established Managed Services Provider.

Bottom line. We can offer you a wide variety of services for all of your technical needs, both remotely and onsite.



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