Are your IT systems ready for a post Coronavirus "new normal" world? Does your staff have the proper security awareness training to keep themselves and your company safe? Is your phone system configured in a way to allow staff to work remotely as if they were still in the office? Do you have a tech refresh program in place to make certain that you are replacing equipment on a spread-out cycle basis versus having to make one huge expenditure?
This is only a partial list of questions that you should be discussing right now both internally as well as with your IT vendor even if you do not currently have available budget funds to enact changes.
We want to assist your business with this and we have a special offer for you! Whether you are working remotely or in your traditional workplace we are inviting you to a virtual lunch and learn and we're supplying the lunch! The process is simple!
You pick the topic. The most commonly requested include-
HIPAA Compliance
Cloud Computing
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Remote Monitoring Management
24x7x265 Help Desk
Security Awareness Training
Secure File Sharing
Did we miss something that you want information on? No problem! You name the business technology topic and we will present an education session on it and supply you with lunch!
So how will we supply you with lunch? Tell us your preferred food delivery service (i.e. GrubHub, DoorDash, UberEats, etc.) and we will send you a $25 gift card. Want to include more people from your company to this learning event? No problem! We will send you a $100 gift card for your business.
There is no cost to you or your company, no obligation, and no heavy-handed sales pitch! This offer is valid until May 31, 2020, and is only available to verifiable businesses and nonprofit agencies. To book your event simply contact us by clicking here and we will get you scheduled. Yep, it is that easy!
By the way, have you checked out our daily video series? We are producing tips and tricks to make you and your company more productive and safe whether you are working remotely or not during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Check them out by clicking here.
Looking forward to enjoying a virtual lunch and learn with you soon!